What is My Global Crosswalk?

My Global Crosswalk, is a sophisticated SaaS platform which helps businesses effectively manage the global sourcing process. By creating database networks of vendors/suppliers, quality control agencies and logistics providers, customers are able to streamline requests & organize the entire project lifecycle. As well, users experience a dynamic process where requests made to their networks are 100% customizable and flexible thus allowing for maximum clarity between sender and recipient for deployed requests.
Dynamic Template Creation
  • - Create your own fields
  • - Manage your relevant sections
  • - Personalize your deployment lists
  • - Follow the progress of your requests
Build Your Network
  • - Develop your database of Suppliers, QC Agencies and Logistics Providers
  • - Maintain important decision-making information
  • - Rank your network according to qualitative & quantitative metrics
  • - Manage your contacts & supply chain centrally through cloud based service
  • - Interconnect projects as well as service offerings throughout your network
Manage Your Business
  • - Create your own fields
  • - Control distribution and deployment of project requests
  • - Real time alerts to your requests
  • - Facilitate business decisions
  • - Review the entire project lifecycle from beginning to end