1. What is My Global Crosswalk?

My Global Crosswalk is a project management SAS platform designed to help companies be more efficient at managing their business. Company Projects, Clients, Suppliers, Communication and Compensation, Quality Control (QC) and Logistics all reside in one central hub for your team to access.

2. How does the whole system work?

Step 1: Select company package, number of users and corresponding data usage plan.
Step 2: Customize user access and restrictions to match with your business's operations.
Step 3: Add your network of clients, suppliers, QC agencies, and logistics partners.
Step 4: Create and deploy project requests to your team and/or your suppliers directly.
Step 5: Manage the production process, set calendar dates, schedule team meetings, and book QC and logistics partners as needed to complete the project cycle.
Step 6: Build invoices and team compensation in the finance sections to bill clients and track employee payments.
Step 7: Continue to build and manage your network with My Global Crosswalk.

3. What are the benefits for the clients?

This is because My Global Crosswalk acts as an all-in-one solution to more efficiently manage your business by providing all the tools you would need to facilitate your project cycles.

4. Who is the ideal user for this system?

The ideal user would be a company running or managing projects with overseas operations and an advanced network of clients, suppliers, and 3rd party partners.

5. How does My Global Crosswalk make money?

My Global Crosswalk charges companies an annual subscription fee to use the platform.

6. What are the Factory Indicators?

Each factory in our system will have an individual index rating score based out of 100. The score is made up of 10 separate factory indicators that are weighted in relation to their overall importance. The 10 indicators for each factory can be changed in the system as the projects progress through the different sample, mass production, quality control, and logistic stages. Indicators From over 12 years of experience, here is the list of the 10 factory indicators that we believe are most valuable in identifying a top supplier.

1. Quality Control (QC) Score
2. Responsiveness
3. Delivery Timing
4. Credentials
5. Professionalism
6. Conflict/Problem Management
7. Relationship
8. Equipment Maintenance and Technology
9. International Exports
10. Years in business

7. What are different Package options?

There are 3 types of plans a user can choose from: Individual, Corporate, or Enterprise. Packages costs are based on the number of users and data usage the company will need. An individual plan is for 1 user with a data storage per month limit of 3GB. A corporate plan is for 2-3 users with a data storage per month limit of 6GB. And an enterprise plan is for 4+ users with a data storage per month limit of 9GB.

Individual Plan Corporate Plan Enterprise Plan
  • 1 user
  • 3 GB per Month of Data Storage
  • Customizable Reports and Dashboard
  • Interactive calendar
  • Supplier Management Tool
  • Proposal and Invoice Creation
  • Quality Control(QC) and Logitics Tools
  • 2-3 user
  • 6 GB per Month of Data Storage
  • Customizable Reports and Dashboard
  • Interactive calendar
  • Supplier Management Tool
  • Proposal and Invoice Creation
  • Quality Control(QC) and Logitics Tools
  • 4+ user
  • 9 GB per Month of Data Storage
  • Customizable Reports and Dashboard
  • Interactive calendar
  • Supplier Management Tool
  • Proposal and Invoice Creation
  • Quality Control(QC) and Logitics Tools